- GRG23 Draschestr., Vienna, Austria, 22 Nov. 2024: Von den
kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf)
(pptx) (invited lecture)
- GRG3 Radetzkystr., Vienna, Austria, 9 Apr. 2024: Von den
kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf)
(pptx) (invited lecture)
- BG Rein, Austria, 12 March 2024: Von den kleinsten
Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf)
(pptx) (invited lecture)
- Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, 22 Nov. 2023: Highlights
of CMS (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- Tsinghua and Peking Universities, Beijing, China, 16 Nov.
2023: Highlights of CMS (pdf) (pptx) (invited lectures)
- TAUP 2023, XVIII International Conference on Topics in
Astroparticle and Underground Physics, Vienna,
Austria, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2023: Hidden sector searches in
CMS (pdf) (pptx)
- BRG Steyr, Austria, 28 June 2023: Von den kleinsten
Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- BG Dorbirn, HLA Hohenems, Austria, 26 May 2023: Von den
kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- Moriond QCD 2023, La Thuile, Italy, 26 March 2023 Memories
from the W Discovery (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- BORG, Hermagor, Austria, 9 January 2023: Von den kleinsten
Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- CERN Teachers Program, Geneva, Switzerland, 11 Nov. 2022: Teilchenphysik
(pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- HTL Braunau am Inn, Austria, 16 May 2022: Von den
kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (pptx) (invited lecture)
- LHCP 2021 (online), 9th Large Hadron Collider Physics
Conference, Paris, France, 9 June 2021: Searches for
anomalous ionizing particles, SIMPs, and monopoles at the LHC
(pptx, pdf)
- Klassensitzung der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen
Klasse, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 14 June
2019: Von den Vektorbosonen zur Weltformel - ein
persönlicher Streifzug durch die Teilchenphysik am CERN (invited
lecture) (pptx) (pdf)
- Moriond EWK 2019, Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy, 18
March 2019: Techniques and Results of Neutral Long-Lived
Particle Searches in ATLAS and CMS in LHC Run 2 (pptx)
(invited lecture)
- ALPS 2018, Third Alpine LHC Physics Summit, Obergurgl,
Austria, 19 April 2018:
Interpretation of non-MET+X ATLAS+CMS searches as Dark Matter
- OMV Speaker Series, OMV Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 5 April
2018: From the Big Bang to Big Business (pptx) (invited lecture)
- Second Iran and Turkey Joint Conference on LHC Physics,
Tehran, Iran, 26 October 2017: New ideas for triggering (pdf) (invited lecture)
- Exner Lectures, Gewerbeverein Wien, Vienna, Austria, 18
October 2017: Discoveries at CERN (Recording
and slides) (invited lecture)
- Second Workshop on Physics and CMS at the HL-LHC, Varna,
Bulgaria, 31 Aug. 2017: CMS Trigger/DAQ Phase II Upgrade (pptx)
- Lake Louise Winter Institute, Lake Louise, Canada, 21 February
2017: Searches for Dark Matter with CMS at 13 TeV (pdf) (pptx)
- Graduate Days, University of Graz, Austria, 3 June 2016: Experimental
Status of the Diphoton Excess (invited lecture)
- Graduate Days, University of Graz, Austria, 2 June 2016: Photon
Reconstruction and Statistical Considerations for Searches
(invited lecture)
- Recontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste, La Thuile, Italy,
11 March 2016: Searches for dark matter and physics with
unconventional signatures (pdf)
- First International Conference on New Fundamental Physics,
Izmir, Turkey, 29 Sep. 2015: Beyond the Standard Model
Physics at CMS (invited talk) (pptx)
- International Conference on New Fundamental Physics,
Kolymbari, Greece, Aug. 2015: Exotica at CMS (pptx)
- Plenary ECFA Meeting, CERN, Geneva, 20 Nov. 2014: ECFA
Midterm Report for Austria (pdf)
- Kiwanis Club, Linz-Leonding, Austria, 4 Nov. 2014: Reise
zum Beginn des Universums (pptx)
(invited public lecture)
- International Conference on New Fundamental Physics,
Kolymbari, Greece, 6 Aug. 2014: B physics and quarkonia at
CMS (pptx)
- International Conference on New Fundamental Physics,
Kolymbari, Greece, 5 Aug. 2014: Report from ECFA (European
Committee for Future Accelerators) (pptx)
- Fachhochschule Villach, Austria, 17 Dec. 2013: Vom
Higgs-Boson zur Weltformel (pptx) (pdf) (invited public lecture)
- Yuri's Night, Planetarium, Vienna, Austria, 12 Apr. 2013: Das
Higgs-Teilchen - Baumeister des Universums (pptx) (pdf)
(invited public lecture)
- Technologieforum Außenwirtschaft Österreich, Vienna, Austria,
29 Jan. 2013: Österreichs Rolle bei CERN (pptx)
(pdf) (invited lecture)
- ESA, estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 21 Sep. 2012: Discoveries
at the Large Hadron Collider (pptx) (pdf) (invited lecture)
- EXPI Science Center, Gotschuchen, Austria, 6 Aug. 2012: Das
Higgs-Teilchen und ungelöste Rätsel der Physik (pptx)
(invited public lecture)
- International Conference on High Energy Physics, Melbourne,
Australia, 7 July 2012: Search for new heavy gauge bosons at
CMS (pptx) (pdf)
- HEPHY-SMI Seminar on Fundamental Interactions and Symmetries,
Vienna, Austria, 20 June 2012: Exploring
the Energy Frontier - Latest Results from the LHC
- CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory,
Geneva, Switzerland, 8 Feb. 2012: Results from LHC (pptx)
(pdf) (invited lecture)
- Expanding Your Horizons, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 Nov. 2011: Questions without answers
(pptx) (public lecture)
- Expanding Your Horizons, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 Nov. 2011: Questions sans réponses (pptx) (public lecture)
- Tag der Tiroler AHS, Innsbruck, Austria, 10 Nov. 2011: Faszinierende Wissenschaft,
verblüffende Technik (pptx) (pdf)
(invited public lecture)
- HighHeels@HighEnd, Palais Harrach, Vienna, Austria, 13 Oct.
2011: Wimps, Machos, Charm und
Strings (pptx) (invited lecture)
- Minisymposium Future Aspects of High Energy Physics, Institute
for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, 28 Sep.
2011: Beyond Energy and Precision Frontiers - Shaping
Austria's Future in Particle Physics (pptx)
- Kinderuni (Children's University), Vienna University of
Technology, Austria, 13 and 15 July 2011: Besuch im
Teilchenzoo (pptx) (pdf) (public lecture)
- Graduate College "Particles and Interactions", Vienna
University of Technology, Austria, 18 May 2011: Results from
the LHC (pptx)
- 46th Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy, 25 March 2011: Soft
CMS (pptx)
- RECFA Meeting, HEPHY, Vienna, Austria, 11 March 2011: CMS
- Metalab, Vienna, Austria, 4 Feb. 2011: Neues aus der
Teilchenphysik (pptx)
(pdf) (invited public
- AMS Netzwerkveranstaltung "Frauenkarrieren in Technik und
Wissenschaft", Vienna, Austria, 25 Jan. 2011: Technik und
Wissenschaft - ein spannendes Arbeitsgebiet (pptx)
(invited lecture)
- XVI IFT Xmas Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 15 Dec. 2010: First
Results from the LHC (pptx)
- 42nd Autumn School of High Energy Physics, Maria Laach,
Germany, 11 Sep. 2010: Physik
am LHC und erste Resultate
(Part 4, pdf) (invited
- 42nd Autumn School of High Energy Physics, Maria Laach,
Germany, 10 Sep. 2010: Physik
am LHC und erste Resultate
(Part 3, pdf) (invited lecture)
- 42nd Autumn School of High Energy Physics, Maria Laach,
Germany, 9 Sep. 2010: Physik
am LHC und erste Resultate
(Part 2, pdf) (invited lecture)
- 42nd Autumn School of High Energy Physics, Maria Laach,
Germany, 8 Sep. 2010: Physik
am LHC und erste Resultate (Part
1, pdf) (invited lecture)
- Austrian Media Visit to Switzerland, 14 April 2010: CERN (ppt)
- Graduate Collage "Particles and Interactions", University of
Vienna, Austria, 3 March 2010: Standard Model (pptx)
- Forschertage, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria, 8 Oct. 2009: Von
den kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (ppt)
(invited public lecture)
- Technologieforum Außenwirtschaft Österreich, Vienna, Austria,
30 Sep. 2009: Das CMS-Experiment (pdf)
- Katholischer Akademikerverband Wien, Vienna, 15 Jan. 2009: Reise
(invited public lecture)
- Plenary ECFA Meeting, CERN, Geneva, 28 Nov. 2008: ECFA
Midterm Report for Austria (pdf)
- Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,
Fachausschuss für Lehrkräfte an Höheren Schulen, Leoben,
Austria, 25 Sep. 2008: LHC und
Österreichs Beteiligung am Compact Muon Solenoid (pdf) (ppt)
- Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Manchester, UK,
21 July 2007: Status and Commissioning of the CMS Experiment
- Four Seas Conference, Iasi, Romania, 31 May 2007: Overview
of the CMS Experiment (pdf)
- German Society for Aviation and Space Flight (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt), Immenstaad, Germany, 29
March 2007: Jagd auf Higgs und Co. (pdf)
(invited public lecture)
- University Meets Public, Vienna, Austria, VHS Meidling, 13
Dec. 2006: Von den kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (pdf) (pptx)
(public lecture)
- University Meets Public, Vienna, Austria, VHS Brigittenau, 5
Apr. 2006: Von den kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos
(public lecture)
- University Meets Public, Vienna, Austria, VHS Favoriten, 4
Apr. 2006: Von den kleinsten Teilchen bis zum Kosmos (public
- Fachausschusstagung Kern- u. Teilchenphysik der
Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Vienna, Austria,
27 Sep. 2005: Fundamentale offene Fragen der
Hochenergiephysik (ppt)
- SPIE Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 31 Aug. 2005: The CMS
Experiment at CERN (pdf)
- Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria, 3 May 2005: Fundamentale
Fragen der Teilchenphysik (pptx)
- Fachausschusstagung Kern- u. Teilchenphysik der
Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Weyer, Austria, 26
Sep. 2004: Supersymmetrie am Large Hadron Collider (ppt)
- Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 17 Sep. 2004: Triggern
auf Supersymmetrie (ppt)
- Four Seas Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 10 Sep. 2004: Fast
Event Selection at CERN's LHC Collider (ppt)
- Restricted ECFA Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, 26 March 2004: CMS
- LHC Days, Split, Croatia, 10 Oct. 2002: The CMS Trigger (ppt)
- Colloquium habilitationis, University of Technology, Vienna,
Austria, 4 March 2002: Der Trigger - Tor zur Physik (ppt)
- RDMS Meeting, Moscow, Russia, 19 Dec. 2001: CMS Physics
Status (pdf)
- Advanced Study Institute, Prague, Czech Republic, 26 July
2001: CMS Physics Overview (ppt)
- Atominstitut, Vienna, Austria, 6 March 2001: Zukünftige
Experimente am Large Hadron Collider des CERN (ppt)
- Workshop on Physics with the CMS Detector, Mumbai, India, Dec.
2000: Level-1 Trigger Menus (ppt)
- 50th Anniversary of the Austrian Physical Society, Graz,
Austria, 28 Sep. 2000: Status of CMS and the Austrian
Contribution to the Trigger System (ppt)
- ATLAS/CMS Trigger Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, July
1999: CMS Muon Trigger Algorithms (pdf)
- Second Latin American Symposium on High Energy Physics, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, Apr. 1998: CMS - Concept and Physics
Potential, AIP Conference Proceedings 444 (1998) 467-478 (pdf)
- Restricted ECFA Meeting, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 1997: CMS
- Fachausschusstagung Kern- u. Teilchenphysik der
Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Weyer, Austria,
Sep. 1996: Das LHC-Experiment CMS
- Research Directions for the Decade, Snowmass, Colorado, USA,
June 1996: Z' at LHC (ps)
- International Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels,
Belgium, 27 July 1995: Standard Model Intermediate and High
Mass Higgs and Alternative Symmetry Breaking Mechanisms (pdf)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 24 Oct. 1994: Global
- CMS Trigger Meeting, Bad Aussee, Austria, March 1994: CMS
Physics Triggers
- UCLA LHC Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, 2 Feb. 1994: CMS Muon
Trigger Simulation
- 3me Cycle, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 27 Feb. 1992: Experimental
Aspects of New Heavy Vector Bosons (invited lecture)
- University of Nijmwegen, The Netherlands, 31 Jan. 1991: Preparations
for Muon Physics at the Large Hadron Collider (invited
- LHC Workshop, Aachen, Germany, 6 Oct. 1990: New Vector
Bosons (Part II: Experiment) (pdf
of proceedings)
- Fachausschusstagung Kern- u. Teilchenphysik der
Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft,
Altenmarkt-Zauchensee, Austria, 17/18 Sep. 1990: Physik im
- Heavy Ion Physics Forum, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 6 June
1990: Bose-Einstein Correlations in ppbar interactions at
sqrt(s) = (0.2 ... 0.9) TeV
- ECFA LHC Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, Apr. 1990: New
Vector Bosons at LHC
- 8th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics,
Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, Sep. 1989: Intermittency
in proton- antiproton collisions at √s = 630 GeV
- Third Workshop on Multiparticle Production, Perugia, Italy,
June 1988: Recent Analyses of UA1
- ETH Zürich, Switzerland, March 1987: Spectator-Ereignisse
in Minimum-Bias-, Jet- und W-Daten in Proton-Antiproton-
- 22nd Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, March 1987: Low-transverse-energy
jets in proton-antiproton collisions at √s in
the 02.-0.9 TeV range and their interpretation in terms of QCD
- Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland, Dec. 1986: Latest
Results from UA1 (invited lecture)
Wulz, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna, and CERN/EP,, 2022